So uh, I haven't been here in a while.
Are there actual rants about dev topics anywhere or is it all schizoposting, AI and politics..?

  • 4
    We're having nice life's, not much to rant. You're naming everything that I love tho :p I'm here for a reason. Maybe I'll upload a meme for you later.
  • 5
    It’s an unhealthy mix of everything.
  • 5
    don't know what rock you were hiding under, but AI _is_ a dev topic.
  • 2
    Yeah, what @tosensei said, also have you met a mentally heathy dev, most of them are furries
  • 1
    One of us! One of us! :p
  • 2
    My rants are always about work or programming .. unless I'm self promoting my blog ...... *cough* battlepenguin.com *cough*
  • 1
    but sanity would be so boring
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