
Saw someone complaining not enough dev rants.

I have a coworker who's a good friend. Got him this job. He has good output, smart kid, but our coding styles clash.

I believe in DevEx (since we write internal tools). He sees it as premature optimization.

He won't validate data from input we don't control because "it shouldn't change that much".

He codes fast, but delivers shit that breaks in production and others (me) have to fix.

It's frustrating.

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    Some people grow over time. I know I did. Changing jobs ever 1~2 years helped a lot too; saw a lot of different types of tech shops. I learned a lot about what worked and what didn't. A lot of times you do really have to learn the hard way.
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    @djsumdog yup. I've been burned myself on that ideology a few times. That's why I code defensively now.

    Having an internal tool core dump or print stack traces in normal operation is not okay IMO. Maybe in startups...
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    @lungdart Yup, now I have stronger lint/formatting rules... If I can't trust you not to spam `any`, guess, I'll have to make sure you stop
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    I "love" finding in our code where someone allowed someone to enter a negative radius...
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