When you ask your British friend what that black, unmoving thing is...

  • 3
    I don't have a British friend, Can you explain?
  • 2
    It's with the accent....
  • 6
    I am a British friend. No. Just no. :-P
  • 1
    I read that in Ed Helms' voice
  • 1
    Reminds me of a funny definition of "propaganda" I read:
    "To have a good look at something."
  • 1
    Better with an Australian accent
  • 1
    @iKameo kind of, if you're actually speaking to someone with this accent, it's more like punctuation though. Unless it's said with a rising inflection it almost doesn't mean anything.

    @rustyRaptor I know you're joking really... but there isn't a "British accent", not really. In this case you're thinking of either a London, or South East accent. It would be like saying that Texan is an "American" accent. Not accurate at all. Something to be careful about, particularly with people from the north of England; there's some tension there that means it can be a terrible mistake to put the whole nation in the same group!
  • 0
    Thanks for the point of correction.
  • 0
    More like Scottish accent/dialect 🤔
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