Thats hard work....😁😁

  • 7
    However did the first one shouldn’t work in servers. Being messy only increases complexity with scale. Both jobs require some degree of perfectionism 😬
  • 17
    @theruffus It's usually not one person who does that, it's a bunch of people who feel enough ownership over the server cabinet to plug in cables, but not enough ownership to manage the whole thing. It grows organically, like a tumor, only based on immediate requirements.

    Also, rewiring is relatively easy — trash everything, start from scratch. It's only hard if you have a limited budget, or worse, limited downtime.
  • 4

    Thank me later.
  • 0
    Mmmmmm.... Snip snip away!!
  • 5
    Can't you see it?

    It's before on the right,

    after on the left...
  • 1
    Medal only?!

    At least 100$ sallary increase
  • 1
    Ha, try both. That makes even small racks a nightmare.
    Obligatory reopening of this conversation. As the network admin fixing this, I’m willing to wring the neck of each individual who plugged in a cable and didn’t fix this layout.
  • 2
    Forgot the photo
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