
is there any method to show folders size like the date of its creation?

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    du -h in *nix
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    @Gowtham95india sorry I didnt get that..
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    in which language?,os?,etc..

    You need to be more specific
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    Watchout!!!! This is clearly a PM!! And not even hiding it!!
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    i think if its getting to the point the community is spoiled we need a sign up quiz lol
  • 3
    Your question is like "I want a animal". So when someone brought you gorilla, you said "I want a pet".

    Probably you will say I want a dog when someone gifts you money next.

    Be specific. Don't post questions here. use Stack ovetlfow. Google.
  • 1
    theres no need to turn people away dude if someone has a question let them ask it - just explain they cannot be vauge about what they want no need to push people away..... as long as their devs that is
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    I'm teaching him to use SO and Google. Not pushing him away.
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    if i owned a bike shop and wanted to retain customers would i tell them about halfords?
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    I don't know about you, defiantly I'll teach my customer how to ride.
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    yeh teach them to ride not say - halfords will teach you.

    this industry is reaching a point noone remembers how hard it is to start out.

    weve all been there
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    @Gowtham95india you had better not to reply if yoy don't know the answer. i had already used google and SOF, i posted it here as a last hope. you were so rude. anyway thanks for reply and dont reply again
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