
This http://thedailywtf.com/articles/... reminded me to my high school days (not long ago, only 25+ yrs) ;)

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    Though I'm not a big fan of Pascal due to lack of documentation when I tried to learn it properly, this just shows the love a dev has for a particular language. :3
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    @KeyWeeUsr I'm huge fan of Pascal (Turbo Pascal in my DOS days, Delphi in my Windows days and these, cross-platform, days - FreePascal/Lazarus). That was 1st high level language I've learned and 1st language I used on PC (I've started coding with BASIC and Z80 assembler on 8bit machines).
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    @firusvg I kind of never achieved glory with Delphi/Lazarus, it was like talking to the wall. However when I discovered C/C++, man it was hard, my knowledge is still full of big holes, but that was some power! :D And then I looked at Python for the first time, oh that's was beautiful experience.
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    @KeyWeeUsr I've used to say that Python is BASIC for 21st century. ;) Avoided it for many years, but in last year or two I found myself using it routinely, almost every day, for small utilities, scripting,... Really nice (great even!) language, but I just can't justify (to myself) using it in some bigger project.
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    @firusvg I had the same opinion and I still wonder if I'm doing right using it. Using anything that won't compile to something better than bytecode. But then again, I saw decompilers of C/C++ and... ah, only a good license will help you and only if you have a lot of money.
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