Any cure for broken heart?

Maybe programming for 14hours/day may help 🤔

  • 7
    Meditation and Self-Care. Do what you love and pay more attention to your self than you usually do.
  • 1
    I agree with previous comments. Sleep, friends (old or new) and meditation are really helpful. Be good to yourself, respect your body. I think work can help too, but don't force yourself to work so many hours if you're not in the mood.
  • 3
    Sex with new girl/guy.
  • 6
  • 1
    Get over someone by getting under someone else.
  • 1
    I would go with time, going outside with friends and doing activities.

    But don't worry you will find another one and much better than that.
  • 0
    Create or consume artistic content, that is make music, photography, drawings, paintings, or enjoy movies, series, anime, storytelling video games, music, books...
    And if they're available, spend some time with your best friends and family members
  • 0
    And also what everyone else has already said :
    #include <time.h>
  • 0
    (Do something you like) x 10
  • 2
    @dandrei279 oh man, thanks 😀

    But thanks guys! I'll try it (again) and set my memories to NULL
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