Wife has literally the best IT job in the city. First wall of miners up and running. From my previous post of the 8 card boxes to this -- stacks of them and more stacks of bitmains. Fuck I wish these were ours. I know one IT honey that's getting chased around the house tonight cause she's sending me pics like this:

  • 3
    That’s hot (;
  • 0
    The question is. Have you visited your wife in hee office? To have a little hubby wifey chat there?
    Jk. No need for answer. I know you have. :P :P
  • 5
    Pity she's straight. 😋
  • 1
    FUCK.....um jealous
  • 1
    mining now means IT ? just because all these impossible wiring?
  • 1
    @MaxDeepfield this is just her current project in a larger tech company. She builds and installs installs 8-gpu boxes, creates stacks of the rigs, integrates then into her larger data center, then controls and optimizes their operation either remotely or on-site. If that's not a flavor of IT then what is it?
  • 2
    This is amazing, and I envy both of you!
    But fuck bitmain. Fuck them with a shovel up their ass. (Yes, I do realize that's not her hardware)
  • 2
    I said this previously and I'll say it again... This is better than nudes!! 😁
  • 0
    @Root Your name seems so much more appropriate now.
  • 1
  • 2
    @endor I agree fuck mining ASICs in general.
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