One of the biggest things that grinds me gears is when I'm tutoring CS at my school as a student tutor is that I get those students who obviously aren't studying or even trying, in fact hoping their tutor will tell them exactly what to type to get that A in the class.

Me: "OK so here's the idea of..." *explains the idea on what they need to accomplish in a more simplistic, visual idea*

Student': *blank stares*

Me: *Blank stares back, thinking of how to make it simpler...*

I then explain I in even more layman terms till they get through their head I'm not going to tell them what to do. I'll guide, but I won't tell what to do.

Please don't waste my time, or I'll waste your time explaing the very fundamental basics of how a variable works instead of helping with your homework.

  • 6
    One of my favorite quotes from one of my professors: "An education cannot be given. It must be taken."
  • 0
    Well the only thing you could do is to explain it using examples that show how it's used (but not the same example repeated over with different numbers) I think people learn better that way.
    If you're already doing that then you're going the right way but you'll still need to do more along the same lines.
  • 0
    I was a CS tutor, back in college. But what I hated even more was students expecting me to do their damn assignment a few minutes before it was due.
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