So I'm forced to use windows 10 at new company..

  • 1
    cry a bit and then...
    Install the Linux Subsystem on Windows 10 | Microsoft Docs
  • 7
    So what
    Deal with it. If you have valid arguments why you _need_ linux, I'm sure they can provide you a vm
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    You can use a VM or install the Windows subsystem or best solution change work ;)
  • 2
    It sucks man
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    I use Win10 without any problems, daily.
    Ok, not ANY, but most are easy to solve to me.

    VM's and the Linux subsystem are a great way to go, as stated in previous comments.

    Unless you're used to Mac.. then I get where you're coming from, usability wise (it's really a matter of habits ..)

    Good luck!
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    Reasons I cannot use VM/ Dual Boot Linux or other options

    1. It is boss' laptop which he uses when he's not on on site.

    2. It's an i3 / AMD Raedon with 4GB RAM so forget VM

    3. I cannot use linux because I limit myself till windows 7

    Overall I am not allowed to work below windows 10
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    Company I interviewed at said that Windows is their main development OS. I asked why and he said, and I I shit you not, "Maintenance is easier."
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    Cmder + git install with linux tools

    cygwin helps too
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    @polaroidkidd oh my freaking god! Why can’t you just allow devs to use what they fucking want! If you’re only way to get it working is for everyone to work on the same os and software, then you got a serious devops problem.
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