
I've been asking myself this question for a while lately.

Can I combine the music coming out of my phone with the sound from games on my PC?

"Why?", you ask.

Because I want it!

So I started reading man pages and documentation about ALSA and PA. A couple of hours later it just works. I don't know how or why, but I did it, all by myself, because no one does such weird stuff.

I'm way too excited about this.

  • 1
    Absolutely the best reasoning right there! 😊
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    This task is easier to do in Windows.
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    @filthyranter That would be boring...
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    @Root @zlice If you want better reasoning. I use a music player called Poweramp on my phone. It just sounds awesome and I can't even come close to that amazing sound with software on my PC. So I had to choose between music and in-game sounds, but now I can mix them.
  • 2
    Teach me! I want to combine the output of My vinyl reader and my computer
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    @gnulinuxer4fun arecord -f dat -D hw:0 | aplay -f dat -D pulse

    If I remember correctly. You might be able to use dmix instead but I couldn't get it to work, but I'm not sure. paplay and parecord didn't work for me either.

    You might have to change .asoundrc, but I don't really know what I was doing.
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    @Danacus that’s a 10 hit combo
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    @devTea a 10 hit combo? What exactly do you mean by that?
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    @Danacus nah I’m just bored, that command line consist of 10 command
  • 1
    @devTea it does indeed!
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