
Question :

- Should you charge your siblings/relatives for building software for them?

  • 8
    It depends. Would you expect a relative to fix your car for free if they were mechanics? In that case, no.
  • 1
    Exactly what @LastDigitOfPi said, if it is done more or less quickly you should do it for free. But if you really have to put in some work onto it you should definitly ask for payment.
  • 1
    I mean, I do quick photoshop and program/shell script jobs for a friend sometimes and he pays me using PAYDAY 2 weapon skins

    His requests are lowest-priority, so I only do them when I have absolutely nothing to do.
  • 2
    Or in another way: More money → more priority
  • 1
  • 1
    If they have good source of income, YES, FUKCKING YES!
  • 1
    Yes! Even if it's something small, you set a bad precedent when you don't charge something for it. Maybe it's just a case of beer for the easy shit and actual cash for the major stuff, but you need to make sure there is some sort of "payment" happening.
  • 0
  • 1
    I dont know you or your relatives, so I cant answer that
  • 1
    Depends on purpose and time it requires. And if, then with a low rate.
  • 0
    Only if they expect you to deliver.
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