
Our "Sys admin" knows nothing. 9/10 I do his job for him because he either doesn't know how or doesn't want to learn. I write all of the scripts HE should be writing. He manages Linux servers but doesn't know how to navigate the command line (even on windows) without using a 1. 2. 3. guide to what he needs done. Am I crazy or is the "Sys Admin" title giving him too much credit?

  • 5
    I worked under a guy like that. He was the "lead," but he could barely follow a conversation.
  • 2
    No, not a sysadmin. How did he get the job? Bosses cousin or something?
  • 1
    @cahva I'm more amazed by how he still has the job lol
  • 1
    @host he still have it because his job is being done. by you. but it still is.
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