Developing, not just maintaining, Classic ASP websites. In Visual Studio. It just pretends it's just HTML and won't highlight or help me with syntax highlights. *Check online for Classic ASP plugins*... *two hours later throw keyboard across room*... then carry on with just HTML hints.

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    I know about your pain. If you can, get the Wiley book gor ASP. It has all you need to know since reffs online suck big donkey balls.

    It really sucks having no editor support for it. I found help in Sublime, it has packages for it that would support ASP syntsx coloring. Why tf this is not in VSCode is beyond me.

    Godspeed my man. I too was a classic ASP developer and I salute you
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    There is no reason to develop still in classic asp, move to mvc razor, or razor pages if you are more familiar with this code style. You will be more productive and your code will run way faster.
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    Did you use vscode or the heavy visual studio?
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    Welcome to the club... 😭 just grab a copy of notepad++

    If you’re unable to migrate to .net at least use jscript instead of vbscript
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