  • 5
    I sometimes debug Intellij in Intellij when it throws an exception
  • 1
    SSDs are the answer! Never had VS crash or even freeze after I moved to one.
  • 0
    @allanx2000 sadly even with an ssd I was having issues. Just need vs 2017 support in the extensions work uses.

    Or maybe this is a good excuse to put in for a pci express ssd.
  • 0
    @fishy 2017, thought that was still in beta?
  • 1
    @allanx2000 it is. But it's made it to RC
  • 0
    @fishy same thing. Win 10 was buggy until after it's first major update
  • 0
    Catching a fish with a fish. That's right
  • 0
    Mine crashes everytime I open a project I saved at school. Even with the same fucking path (made an extra clone partition for the files in my private folder of the school's network). After the crash and restart, it's in the Recent list. If I click on it THERE, it suddenly WORKS, but I am not allowed to open the SLN as file. -.-
  • 0
    @allanx2000 I use an SSD and it still does that thing. Well, let's hope 2017 (final version) will be better.
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