
I am not a particularly vengeful one, but today I was, and everyday onwards I'll be turning it up a notch on recurrence. WTF is Kobenz talking about? Well, let me fill you in. For the worst part of 7 months I've been having my already fucked up hearing beaten to a pulp by the neighboring apartment's renovation works, sounds that would often balloon over 120dB, continuously. Last week the actual owner finally moved into their apartment and the sounds had stopped. Of course, i had spent every minute of my blight concocting vengeful schemes to get even. But while I was so full of think hatred and maliciousness, I, of course, let it all got. As i said, not a particularly vengeful individual, that I am not. Until yesterday that is, when the whole reformation crew was back here at 8am, banging my ears with those awful noises... So today, i woke up at 4am, set up my blender and my speakers, waited until 6am sharp and turned it all on, ALL of it. If today I hear even so much as a wisp of that deranged reformation noise, tomorrow at 5am I'll do it all over again. And every day from now on, I'll rinse and repeat it an hour earlier than before, speakers cranked up a notch above their previous noise, the blender running half hour longer than its previous running time and I'll add a new source of noise every single FUCKING DAY!

  • 3
    attach a bucket to the wall in the direction of the apartment and use it as a resonator for whatever noize is attached to the bucket or inside of it. a bluetooth speaker maybe
  • 2
    @iiii you're a genius, bro! That's EXACTLY what I'll do. Shit I might even do it just for kicks
  • 2
    My neighbours have been renovating their house for the past 6 months. I resorted to noise-cancelling headphones to make it a bit more bearable. I don't like them, but I can't move right now.

    I feel your frustration.
  • 1
    i'd buy a giant gong and start weird ritual dances
  • 1
    You want vengeance? Forget about noise. Smear dogshit on their doorknobs, that'll send a louder message.
  • 0
    @Liebranca well I was thinking of tossing my dog's shit over the wall into their driveway XD
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