
Ooh this is going to be fun

  • 2
    Oh boy :D
  • 1
    Oh Arch :)
  • 1
    UPD: it works! What would you recommend: wayland or x11?
  • 0
    I use X11, but I do have an old laptop. Maybe you could give Wayland a try.
  • 2
    UPD: it finally works with Wayland + Weston compositor! (I'm thinking of creating a fork of Weston just for more usable experience). Plus it has Chromium installed now! (mainly because Lighthouse) (sorry for making a screenshot using my phone camera, scrot wasn't working)
  • 6
    Here's a screenshot:
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  • 1
    So what does it do different than every other version of linux doesn't
  • 4
    @davehuk it grants bragging rights to those who where proven worthy of installing it.
  • 1
    So it's like Linux where you have to install or compile drivers... Like the old days...
  • 0
    UPD: now I use Sway (i3) + URxvt! It's awesome!
  • 0
    @NyxMC that's a good desktop setup! What's your DE?
  • 1
    nice, you successfully copy pasted cmd lines from wiki!
  • 0
    @NyxMC That's cool! (I tripleboot Windows 10, Ubuntu with Gnome and Arch Linux)
  • 2
    @mishaor how did you take care of grub?
  • 0
    You know what else is fun ?
    Root@kali $
  • 0
    oh my fucking god just noticed that my fingers look like they're dirty on the pic above, jesus
  • 1
    @CrazySpider it's some Gentoo freedom for folks who have PCs, on which compilation of Gentoo takes weeks
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