
i have a bunch of archived projects and I have NO recollection of writing them despite them being complex


trying to find a script I knew I had and I don't even know where it is. goddammit

*goes on a deleting spree*

I hate organizing random stuff. my OCD inclinations scream at me but I never enjoy organization. why can't it all just self organize

I also want a search feature for all my old repos. grrrrr

this just feels like such a disaster. I made a git backup script for my external HDD but I don't think that script backed up the archived projects... of which there's evidently 6 damned pages. why do we produce so much code. how

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    Are they any good?

    I keep finding stuff I'd forgotten I wrote, and if I did it better then than I would do it now that makes me feel old.
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    I wonder if AI could assess and organize files/projects based upon the context of the code it reads.
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    @donkulator I have deleted 1/3rd of my projects and I am proud of it

    I guess I found some stuff in there that I can't delete. also now I have the urge to rewrite some of them... ohno

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    @Demolishun I have an auto format AI script that brands the retoor brand in files and it also add functionality description in files. It's not an bad idea at all to let crawl AI trough all your projects, describe everything and make a fulltext search based on that descriptions. Yeah, for sure you can organize using AI. Especially if you would define some categories up front so you could even put it in a database having relations and stuff. Vet good idea. Only thing is - while AI is El cheapo, scanning all your sources will cost a dime. Several reasons but I only have 400 chars to type left :p
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    I also found some old java stuff. I'll never touch java again so not sure why I'm keeping it

    I should rewrite those games (which probably won't even compile anymore) in another language just so I could delete the java stuff...

    wasn't complicated stuff, just some arcade games. some weird agar.io game for a game jam once. I didn't really finish that one but it was still interesting. stuff moved and stuff but I didn't finish the whole difficulty curve -- enemies AI wasn't all there yet

    there was a roguelike I had made with a college boyfriend but then we had broken up... he was doing all the designs. that game was actually really fucking good, too. grrrr. idk what to even do about that cuz complex emotions. he designed the whole thing and it was basically done on his end. raaaghh. and it was sooo goooood. but he was a dick to me. raaaghhh! also I don't like thieving things anyway. COMPLICATED
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    @retoor I got a bunch of projects in there that are big and I can't be arsed to go thru them. but they're of the same thing

    guess I'll be making chromadb vector database with the code and asking an AI some questions about the repos...

    there were 8 repos of the same thing and all of them had relevant contributions that previous repos didn't but were missing previous repo contributions... and I think the biggest of the repos was something like 20k lines of my concise JavaScript syntax no less. no boiler plate code at all. how am I supposed to organize this, goddamnit! it took me 3 months to write the biggest one, day in and day out... why do I do this to myself. I don't have the endurance to go through that again and consolidate everything lmao?
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    found the delete script I was looking for tho. turns out it was in my obsidian notes and not in a repo. gonna make a repo for it now and put it on a CI/CD schedule

    and then lament that my old projects reference CI/CD scripts in a CI/CD script repo... and that design choice was a horrible and flawed thing to be doing. I should've just copy pasted the scripts instead of referencing. so fragile. sigh
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    there's a bunch of things in there I don't wanna delete because they were being used by repos that I still wanna have archived

    don't make too many repos, guiizzz

    before realizing rust's workspace feature I was even making too many repos in rust. workspaces rule. very nice.
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    @jestdotty I have a "kinda stupid but it works" for finding bits for text based files.

    Like you I have way to many projects, and finding the thing I know I have but don't remember exactly where was beginning to happen way to often.

    I use Helix editor, and they have build a really good fuzzy finder platform for file names and content of files, [space + /] for finding things inside files [space + f] for finding files by name.

    All you need to do is open helix in your projects directory so it can index all files and that's it, you get a list of files and a preview, and most of the time I can recall enough information to fuzzy find my way in seconds, it's great because it requires no effort in labeling things ahead of time - I suck at that.

    It has a learning curve if you are not coming from Vim or other similar editors, it's a really good editor, but even if you just use it for finding files it's a really useful tool
  • 0
    WinUI has limitations, such as requiring store integration to share your tool.

    So, WinForms is preferred by some! (Me writing a very custom app for myself and 1 friend. Total market cap : 2 people)

    Fun fact after a couple of hours of searching:

    You *can* modify the status bar of an app,

    you just need to import DLLs you may not have heard of before.


    private static extern int DwmSetWindowAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, int attr, ref int attrValue, int attrSize);

    private const int DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE = 20;

    private const int DWMWA_MICA_EFFECT = 1029;

    Never heard about this DLL before in my life.
  • 0
    WinUI has limitations, such as requiring store integration to share your tool.

    So, WinForms is preferred by some! (Me writing a very custom app for myself and 1 friend. Total market cap : 2 people)

    Fun fact after a couple of hours of searching:

    You *can* modify the status bar of an app,

    you just need to import DLLs you may not have heard of before.


    private static extern int DwmSetWindowAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, int attr, ref int attrValue, int attrSize);

    private const int DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE = 20;

    private const int DWMWA_MICA_EFFECT = 1029;

    Never heard about this DLL before in my life.
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