Firefox: You know what our users need?
Ads in new tabs!


Yes I know it is "optional" but why should it be there in the first place?

  • 9
    Have you contributed to Mozilla in any way? You are using a software for free, what do you expect? How would you feel if you aren't payed for what you work on? Do you or the company you work for provide products/services for free? I know there are other ways of income for FF (like from default search engine and other stuff), but sometimes that isn't enough to pay the numerous people who are working on it.

  • 1
    You know what I need?

    Static pages with plain text cointaining only information. No shiny bling bling or animations..

    Good old times.. 😄
  • 0
    @AlpineLinnix I don't mind ads as long as they're not from any company which tracks users through ads.
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