The moment when a client dumps you for a "cheaper solution" and after a year his site get hacked and calls you to rescue him. Priceless.

  • 16
    @g-m-f I forwarded his request to the dev/null department :>
  • 6
    It's a great day. My mother used to say 'what goes around comes around'. Sounds like an endless loop but a lot of truth.
  • 2
    Sweet, sweet karma
  • 4
    Do it. Just charge the shit out of him now.

    By experience, you'll have to do lot. First unfuck the cheap solution and then do your shit.
  • 2
    My favorite is when it's unfinished and they expect you to give them a discount because they already paid "lots of money" to the failed developer, but they already "did a lot of the work for you" so you obviously won't have much left to do.
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