
I think we may be getting too attached to our phones. First it was linking logins now important things that prolly shouldn't be left lying around in the open...

  • 2
    Yeah I've been seeing those for awhile. the worst I seen was one with a money clip. guy had credit cards and $200 in cash attached to his phone.
  • 3
    The ONLY time I'd use something like this is one of the cases that slides shut. And it's only if I'm at a festival, sporting event, or somewhere busy where I don't want to carry my wallet around.

    Something like this case. Not even one of the attachment things like in the picture.
  • 5
    I love these tbh... I only have my debit card, bus pass, and ID in, I have no money so im not in any danger of theft lol, and with those 3 cards they all fit snug anyway so no danger of losing them

    I have my wallet with all my other stuff in, I either dont bring it with me or just keep it in my bag if I need it with me, but this way if im gonna buy something theres no need to fumble around looking for my wallet among the 100 other things in.

    Might not make as much sense for those who wear mens pants with decent pockets and who keep a small billfold or money clip, but for a girl who is used to spending upwards of 2 minutes digging around in my bag for money to buy a coffee, its saved me a ton of hassle.
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