
I had a suggestion a week ago. I was told to do a different (simpler) approach. The current approach doesn't work and I'm about to point out the problem basically means I've got to go do what I originally said.

  • 6
    That happens
  • 6
    How painful was it to resist to say "told ya!"?
  • 4
    @Lensflare I did not... My exact words were "could have just made that faster to begin with".
  • 5
    @TrayKnots micromanagement, whatever. Ignore my input when I'm right, y'all gon fuck right off.
  • 4
    If I had a dollar every time...
  • 3
    Just say “told ya”, but word it in a way that lower life forms like managers can understand:

    “I love how you felt the need to put on some additional challenge — definitely a sign of a strong leader! I will note that to make extra sure we won’t encounter problems of this nature in the following sprints.”

    - Passive-aggressive — check

    - Vague af — check

    - Buzzwords — you better believe it
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