graduated college today. school's out, forever 😎

(at least undergraduate)

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    Isn't college the same prison?
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    @senzory Just take it one project due date at a time. You'll forget about time and only be able to see a few weeks from now at most, not months or years.

    Also, don't worry about how high your GPA is. The "real word" doesn't care about that, all they care about is whether or not you have a degree to your name (which is actually not as valuable as job experience in this field, but it helps when finding the first job or two).
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    @senzory I finished in 4 years. a lot of my program was very hands-on; for my capstone project I built a web app with a team of 4 for an external client which was a small tech startup, and we're now equity partners in the company. my best advice: take it one day at a time. keep in mind that really nobody cares about your GPA as long as it's halfway decent. and especially once you have some experience, GPA matters even less.
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    @senzory some places are starting to care less about the degree but many places still want it. My employer refuses to hire anyone who doesn't have at least a bachelor's degree (except me).
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