Double achievements rant!
Computer engineering graduation (finally) + face reveal.

  • 7
    Congrats dude!
  • 3
    Good job :)
  • 4
    Congrats! Whooo
  • 4
    What did you do your thesis about? and congrats!
  • 6
    It kinda looks like you photoshopped your face onto someone’s body.

    Probably not 😄 Congrats! 🎊🎈🍾
  • 4
  • 4
    Congrats man 😀
  • 4
    @GodHatesMe someone stole your name, or is that you ??
  • 4
    Finally someone who looks older than I expected!

    Congratulations, btw!
  • 10
    @JoshBent eterogeneous data correlation in the latent rapresentation space of multi-i/o autoencoder and generic experiments about deep convolutive neural networks.
  • 2
    Congrats! Good for you. I'm probably gonna get my CpE degree after another year or two fml
  • 8
    Your avatar matches perfectly 😀😀
  • 3

    Well done boss, good luck with your career!
  • 2
    Congrats man! May life work out in your favor ;)
  • 1
    Double Congratulations to you then!!
    Have some ++ for you and everyone - on the house!
  • 2
  • 5
    @localghost "...and generic experiments about deep convolutive neural networks" - I like that one 🤣

    Reminds me of my thesis which had a rather general naming so if everything turns out to not work you can change the actual topic slightly -my professor recommended that btw.

    Congratulations 🎊 do you have any plans already what todo next? Besides getting drunk or several months of procrastination.
  • 3
    Lol EXACTLY like on avatar pic
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