
Once I had been sick for a couple of weeks. Then came back to this abomination

Didn't make me feel any better 😨

  • 16
    Oh and since we needed 2 I made one that was much much cleaner
  • 0
    @Alice thankfully I didn't get sick during our exam project 😶
  • 2
    I see electronics, i ++. Btw the second is mutch better to look at. What kind of chip is it? 16fxxx?
  • 4
    @resdac It's a PIC1683

    I was told to "get with the times grandpa" on a forum when we had an issue with it :v
  • 0
    @inaba There's a reason PICs are so popular, let them play around with their Arduinos and you can get on with something actually useful
  • 0
    @milkybarkid I don't think I would call headaches useful, but alright
  • 0
    @Condor internaly its also a wired mess so i correlate with my electronics. (Also photographic memory)
  • 0
    @inaba PICs are much cheaper in volume, it's just good engineering to design your project around a cheap and ubiquitous part. You can also tailor your chip choice to your needs much more closely.
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