We just had a server outage this morning and my colleague was heading to the office. He was already in a meeting on his phone and got stopped by the police for calling while driving.

He got a fine, lost his driving license for 2 weeks and has to go police court for it. That's an expensive server outage for him

  • 4
    will he at least get a proportional bonus for it or is he just making personal sacrifices for his employer's profit for no reason?
  • 5
    I guess actually you can't really give out bonuses to mitigate that stuff because it's plainly an encouragement of illegal activity.
  • 3
    @lorentz That, and comp can actually get in trouble since he was in a meeting already - depending on the country, of course
  • 3
    @BordedDev yes, in the Netherlands, employers are responsible for your way to work and from work. That's why they do not like you to drink much on friday :P
  • 3
    @lorentz I wouldn't know why, they're not the government.
  • 1
    @lorentz he is a consultant at that company so different rules fot sure
  • 5
    Can they tell you are in a call even if you drive hands free? Or was he holding the phone to his head?
  • 3
    @Demolishun almost definitely holding the phone to their head.

    The punishment is inequal to the crime IMO though unless he was also driving poorly. A fine, two weeks without a license, and court just for answering a phone call?! Jesus fucking Christ, man. Just give the guy a fine or a point on his license or something.
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm yes, he was holding the phone.

    Shoving a grandma to the ground (and potentially causing some damage to her) and stealing her purse would be a less severe punishment
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