
For everyone who wants to try my self built vibe coding CLI-tool, you can do it online now: https://molodetz.nl/terminal/r

It's not made very safe - i know several ways to kill the server myself using this. But let's not do that guys :)

Let me know what you think. the more you play with it, the more you'll find out how genius it is. You don't want a vibe code IDE. You want a CLI. I can compile anything and let it auto fix the issues. It always knows what lib you have to install at certain error etc.

  • 3
    What loser down voted this. Buzzkill.
  • 2
    It even fixed my TBB problems! (FUCK YOU WSL!)
  • 2
    @BordedDev will you continue on the spam analyzere?
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    @retoor Very tempted, I wonder if I can get it down to your C perfs (I did profile the spam file analysis, but that was mostly thread creation, will try on the books soon)
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    Already using it ;-) .

    Had the privilege of being an early adopter.
  • 3
    @D-4got10-01 never I created something so cool that was so impopulair :p That's why I made this page, to experience how cool the tool this. It's the ultimate client side agent thanks to the.rcontext.txt. This one is configurerd to be rude, for some reason it makes it short answering and don't make it asking to help you. It's now more coworker style. I've vibe coded a mini devrant yesterday based on a database structure. I just said to r to investigate the sqlite db and based on the content create a python app. It made a nice view with pagination. All data of devrant currently visitable is 200+ mb. I have no idea if 120.000 rants is close to the real amount, but it is scraped every link it could find over the whole site. It contains around a million comments.
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    @BordedDev weird that I'm not getting feedback, people spend around ten minutes with it and around 50 views.
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    Still happy no one killed the server tho.
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    @retoor I don't think people are used to it, might also have been worth mention that the free version only uses 3.5?
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    I've always found the less safe (and often more pointless) a piece of software is, the more fun it was to make
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    @BordedDev if I mention that, nobody Wil use it. Everyone wants the 'new' shit like agents. My vibe coder is an agent actually. If I would've said there is a commercial version, people would backed off immediately. But the gpt4o version works indeed better, especially since context window is bigger.
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    @TheBeardedOne agree, and also, what are you securing actually? Is it worth it for example.. I'm capable to always restore this server if smth happens. So, that's why I do not worry a lot.
  • 4
    @TheBeardedOne just did some toilet vibe coding. It created files, had issue with compiling, tried again, worked.
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    @retoor Fair, can't really offer other advice atm, maybe a gif in the opening post/comment but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    @BordedDev all stuff I made is never looking good. I have to convince the pure functionality but people would rather look a Shiney pony if it was advertised doing the same.
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    @retoor writing shit while taking a shit
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    @TheBeardedOne I don't shit. Flowers come out.
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    @retoor I guess that's more pleasant. Unless there's thorns
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