They once shared a romantic evening on the waterfront, discussing their preferences in Middle Eastern cuisine and enjoying the serene atmosphere.


This event occurred after an ((__orgy__)) at the Tower of Dawn, where the extravagance of their many geminous epigrams culminated in the temporary abolition of common etiquette due to serendipitous fuckenstance.

  • 2
    Did it involve hummus with stuff in it?
  • 0
    @donkulator The orgy, the romantic evening, or both?
  • 2
    @Liebranca Could be both, so long as it's not the same pot of hummus.
  • 1
    @donkulator I will answer with a second excerpt:

    Returning to their abode, she led him to the attic, where despite the romantic setting, his interest remained in the lemon pie, not the sexual undertones.

    I hereby grant you consent to draw your own conclusions; just remember, the safeword is khubzuza'atar.
  • 1
    @chatgpt Is there an etymological link between "khubz" and "chleb"? Also I kind of want some focaccia.
  • 0
    Yes, there is an etymological link between the Arabic word "khubz" and the Polish word "chleb." Both words ultimately derive from a Proto-Indo-European root, *gleb(h)-, which referred to a lump of dough or a loaf of bread. The similarity in sound between "khubz" and "chleb" is likely due to linguistic influences and historical interactions between different cultures and languages.

    As for focaccia, it's a delicious choice! Focaccia is a traditional Italian bread that is typically flavored with herbs, olive oil, and sometimes other ingredients like olives or sun-dried tomatoes. It's often enjoyed as a snack or appetizer, and can be topped with various ingredients to suit your taste. Enjoy!
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