TFW you ceased observing time because management was so neurotic about it that the whole concept of time left a bad taste in your mouth so you abandoned the whole dimension of existence from your life and all considerations

but apparently you can tell events via "cards". I actually mapped out a lot of my life and got to find out I did do a lot of stuff with my life and didn't have "dead air time" like I kept judgementally thinking I did, subconsciously

wonder if I should be a crazy person and turn all of time into like... a "card calendar" instead. at least it feels better than what society did with "time". they made time into slavery, instead of opportunity. plus I could make a cool-ass card calendar that's all fancy and nobody could read I guess

this card system works for years since creation, every 1.5 months, ?theoretically with days of the week but that bit seemed lame to me?
actually on second thought that's not too cool for a calendar/watch. there's not really a reason to know what "energy" you're being influenced by every minute. that seems horribly bipolar.

but interestingly looking over my life it seems like planning projects / long-term adventures may have benefited from knowing which cards would be at which months. it denoted how easy it would be to swim this way or that... spiritually speaking. kind of crazy

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