
best practice in java is to mark classes as final (effective java book)

final classes cannot be mocked by Mockito

if only I was good at programming and writing higher level integration or acceptance tests to circumvent this

  • 2
    Mockito sounds like something that was shot a while ago.
  • 3
    That's why you need DI, mock should just be the name for a kind of interface implementation that only supports one usage pattern and blows up if you do anything else with it.
  • 0
    I've never agreed with that "advice" and found it to almost always be ineffective and more headache inducing
  • 1
    best practice in java is to use something else.
  • 2
    @lorentz yeah but you don‘t even need DI for that. Just use interfaces.
  • 2
    @Lensflare Interfaces have basically two uses; one's to add user-defined candidates to heterogenous collections, the other is inversion of control. When I say DI, I don't mean a DI container that uses reflection or whatnot to automate the process, but plainly the practice of parameterizing a piece of code on an interface even when the choice of implementation is assumed to be universal just so you can change the context of the code more easily.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I'll die on this hill; DI containers don't contribute anything to 99.9% of projects. Just take a factory callback or an instance as a constructor parameter. It's marginally more code, and the ability to manually overrule the global configuration for a specific place of use without affecting other instances of the same class is well worth it.
  • 1
    DI containers were born in an era before every language had lambda functions with good type system support and lexical scoping.
  • 2
    @lorentz agree 100% on the DI containers.
    I‘ve been trying to explain this to my coworkers for years when I was a C# dev.
    They wouldn‘t listen.

    Btw, C# has a huge ecosystem with a lot of different DI container libs, despite it having lambdas for ages. So I don‘t think it’s necessarily related to that.
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