
I've always asked my self , How they developed programming languages??

C# --> Based on - C++
C++ --> Based on - C
C --> Based on - whaaaat????

Assembly?? How they developed assembly???

0101010101 -__-

  • 3
    I know that C developed by B , But what about B?
  • 3
    I mean, at a certain point, it really is all binary. Machines only understand when a switch is turned on, or turned off, so complex configurations of on and off form code.
  • 0

    Yes , Me too think in that way.
  • 2
    Assemblers are really very simple compilers. they see the word mov and they change it to the binary instruction.
  • 1
    It's all based around a big state machine, few basic operations and that's it. Read about Turing's machine, Automatons and so on. Electronically it's more complex than that, but at least you can get the theory right.
  • 0
    History of programming languages, good article on Wikipedia : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
  • 2
    C# is just Microsoft's Java. It comes from Java not C++
  • 1
    Map over how programming languages are related. http://blog.daveastels.com.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/...
  • 0
    before asm people use to write machine code on tapes using base 32
  • 0
    This post makes me cringe; take a Computer Organization and Digital Logic class, it'll start to make sense, also it was said above C# is nothing like C or C++.
  • 1
    I have read there were a,b languages before c
  • 0
    Assembly languages are basically just "dumb" macros that expand directly to the bits and bytes the processor actually understands. The first assemblers were written directly in machine language, as a sequence of bits; later assemblers were written in assembly, just as C compilers are mostly written in C.
  • 0
    Hahaha this is your mind blown moment?
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