After following the recent events and announcements, I'm thinking

Is Google seriously turning into an AI overload..?

What happened to "Don't be Evil"..?

  • 4
    AI isn't evil. Political stances, spying and tax evasion are.
  • 3
    it was removed
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode can't wait for it to go into the wrong hands just like the most cliched sci-fi movie plot.
  • 0
    @stop Yeah thats reassuring
  • 3
    For all the shit Google does already, I call them evil as fuck.
  • 0
    @vlatkozelka I get your point but the fact that they try to track everything possible and a lot even without the user knowing or consent is a freaking no-go for me.

    Next to that they sold their users out the second they got integrated within the biggest mass surveillance in the world.

    Imo, nothing can justify these things for Google, hence why I block the living shit out of it.
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