How many of you are using Ecosia or Lilo as a default search engine?
Be sure to check them out if I haven't heard of them!

  • 2
    Learned something today. Thank you.
  • 1
    You are welcome!
  • 0
    how are they any different?
    (to lazy to check them out myself 😅)
  • 0
    Ecosia has a button that opens a new tab with google searching the same terms.

    I found myself using that button a lot, the results are different most of the time, and it feels like it isn't looking through as many sites as Google.

    When I misspell something in Ecosia it might not find a single result, and it doesn't try to offer you sites that may or may not be exactly what you have been actually looking for.

    That's my experience with Ecosia.
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