
Is macbook good for devs ?

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    @Null-Device Can't choose on mac or windows laptop haha just want Mac so I can build iOS in xamarin.
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    I suggest for Linux.
  • 3
    it's good for devILs
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    No. Maybe. Perhaps. Depends on the dev. The sky is the limit. Live your dreams. Fuck xamarin.
  • 2
    It's good for devs in that you get a Unix environment with some pretty good specs. I like to dev on the one I have for work, but would I buy my own? I'd probably end up buying a nice high end laptop and putting Linux on it for cheaper.
  • 1
    I am very comfortable with all the three, Linux, Windows and Mac. For me a mac is about being productive and not needing to worry much. And of course bash is the shit. Git bash on Windows and WSL come close, but are not quite there yet. Each will get the job done.
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