Another benefit of working from home: PRIVATE TOILET.

One fucking toilet for 15 people is not enough.

  • 27
    My current job has 5 stalls, 450 people. It’s a nightmare.

    They also have a cafeteria for lunch and I keep saying we are one bad meal away from having a mess in the building. No one listens.
  • 1
    @AwwYiss I'm not on the US.
  • 0
    @AwwYiss I checked the Portuguese law and it states that the minimum is

    - one toilet and one urinal for each 25 men
    - one toilet for each 15 women

    I'm in disbelief...
  • 4
    @AwwYiss sounds like you really got tired of their shit. 😂
  • 1
    Just being at home and being half relax is the best feeling in this world
  • 2
  • 1
    My work has a decent number of bathrooms (although not enough for 1,500+ people I think,) but we have a cafeteria and on taco day, the cleaning staff like to close down every bathroom for cleaning during lunchtime on tbe dot, so you have to walk all around the building to possibly find a bathroom that they haven't closed down yet so you can deal with your taco 💩's
  • 3
    True story: I once passed on an amazing job in an amazing environment for top pay, because you had to go through the meeting room to get to the toilet. When we had client meetings, you would have to interrupt it to go to the toilet. Deal breaker for me and my nervous digestive tract.
  • 1
    there is one or many assholes in my office, who never flushes. Someone's creation is always flowing there.

    I wonder if they ever use jet spray / clean their holes
  • 1
    15? Lucky guy...
  • 1
    Except when your home only has one toilet too and everyone in your family is a hog
  • 1
    someone once took a dump ON the floor IN FRONT of the toilet.

    Welcome to England -.-
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