
When people keep telling you that Google has the answer

  • 2
    Haha nice!
  • 5
    I'd tell him to recursively ask Google about recursion within Google and point at the first stack overflow link I see.

    Then when he asks what I'm getting at.. : elementary my dear friend, it is within the loop ;)

    And if he looks puzzled I'd reply :welcome to the matrix then walk away, silently... :l
  • 4
    every single time on Stack Overflow the first answer is about not knowing how to google
  • 2
    I never found a problem that has no answer in google. But I remember one that was very hard. RESTFull API with java.
  • 2
    I once had a problem that was nowhere to be found with Google. I couldn't properly send function parameters to a SOAP call in PHP (yes, it hurts). Had to figure it out myself that the endpoint was at fault, not me.
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