
Me: *Working on my game*
Partner: What are you working on?
Me: Just starting out some basic AI
Partner: Why are you writing 'if' and 'switch' so much? Is that what AI can be?
Me: Look away! Don't break the illusion!

I then sat back in my chair and realised AI isn't really that intelligent...

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    @Klanowicz I know that, I just mean that any AI requires pre defined barriers and knowledge, it isn't 'intelligent' and able to train on it's own, it trains itself yes but it doesn't learn, you can't ask an image recognition AI to give you recipes for a custard tart for example.
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    @Brosyl mind = blown;
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    @Klanowicz ... You do have a point
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    @Brosyl I did actually have prototype for AI that did generational evolution and got smarter with each generation... But the memory dumps took 40GB of disk space and would max out 16GB of RAM and 80% of the CPU so decided maybe not add that to a top down 2D game lol
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    Saw this image some time ago.
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    @Qwby hehe, love it
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    Well have you guys ever heard of reinforcement learning?
    AI is not just some if-statements but a huge field with lots of different approaches. There are for example probabilistic models, that can actually "learn" to do things in a previously unknown environment based on a cost-function.
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