
I think I'm at the final stage of grief where I want to destroy the entire human population . Economy , money and other factors like alcohol ... we as humans don't deserve to live . Controlling population growth with addiction is just messed up .

Even though the alcohol killed my dad , he was a really good person who was under such amounts of pressure that no-one deserves . Actually strike that everyone deserves much more . A tenant who occupied our property just as we needed to sell it for cash problems . His father stole his inheritance left behind by his mother . And relatives who didn't give a shot about him until he makes a trip to the hospital . An economy that's responsible for all this .

I want to rewrite this disgraceful race .

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    your username made this rant a bit more scary :s
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    so why not actually rewrite it?
    if people are OK with fucking up each others lives, they should also be OK with unfucking it
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    @bigworld12 I'm not sure what you're getting at . Destroying the race is what I meant.
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    @TheAnimatrix if destroying the race would unfuck people's life then why not
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    @bigworld12 yeah well it would atleast stop future fuckery and yeah I don't see why not
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    Bender was right tbh
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    But everyone would be right to oppose you. If you want to destroy all humans, something which is not wrong in its own, why would the rest of the humans prefer non existence for the sake of healing earth, than existence, even in a fucked up world? Wouldn't making steps to improve human society be more practical?
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    @Teabagging4Life if humans prefer their personal gain over others gain, then why would it be wrong when someone's personal gain was a result of the destruction of humanity?
    the problem here is that right and wrong are relative concepts, that's why laws and religions exist, to somehow make right and wrong absolute (even if not completely absolute, but they provide a standard to evaluate actions)
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    @bigworld12 I never said it's wrong to have your gain through destroying others. I just said it's not that practical, if your aim is to make the world a better place. Because you will meet opposition from virtually any other human on earth, who will not wish to cease existing. On the other hand, if you set your sights on improving human society rather than destroying it, you would gather supporters for your cause and you would achieve more things.

    Or get your hands on some ICBM and get this over with.
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