Devrant should really request non-cached (fresh) information, and incorporate de-caching technologies*. Because refreshing devrant behind a caching proxy gives cached content = old rants.

* = eg like adding &random=<random data> to the request.

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    Not sure what you mean
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    @dfox I mean when ur behind a caching proxy, like:

    client --> caching proxy --> devrant

    the start page then contains very old rants, from like 3 days behind.
    There is possible to add the header "Pragna: no-cache" to prevent any proxy from fetching from cache.

    Also adding like ?random=<random data> or &random=<random data> in the request URI will also make any caches to treat the request as new. Implementing both will ensure users always get fresh data.
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    @sebastian that has nothing to do with caching. No API results are cached. We are currently A/B testing two different "algo" sorts. The old one, like you see now, only changes substantially over a 12 hour period as that is the decay time. The new one, which will be moved from 50% to 100% in the next few days only shows you content you haven't already seen, so the behavior you describe will be gone :)
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