thinking of learning a new programing language anything easy for a python "dev"?
would also like if jetbrains has an ide for it

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    Java, C#, C, PHP, Typescript, ...
    We can't pick the language for you, you have to know what you wan't to do next.
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    Easy? I don't know. Beautiful? That I do know. Learn C++.
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    As a "Python dev", your experience is with dynamic languages exclusively. I would try out a statically typed language, Kotlin being my favorite, but it's fine to start with Java (a lot more information/frameworks for Java over Kotlin), then you can slowly migrate your code to Kotlin when you realize it's better XD
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    golang is pretty similar just google for "golang for python developers" to find something like this


    jetbrains got goland ide for it and also some plugin for intellij


    If you like networking it's where golang shines.

    More here:

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