
I wrote this blog post entirely on my phone through doing an SSH on my home server. Why, you ask, well because I don't have my laptop and I am hella bored. Stupid, you say, well I agree.


  • 5
    dude... i've been following your chain of rants since the first one about your dead laptop. this one has been the opus. deserves more than a single ++.

    trust me i feel you, btw. i work at a company where i'm denied an internet connection (due to data security), and i ssh my home raspberry pi debian daily from an android phone, to develop some simple personal ruby projects. pain in the ass, trying to type in a console with 2 thumbs only. i used to think i was the one with difficulties, but you got me beaten there.
  • 1
    @cors I get you, totally.
  • 5
    JuiceSSH is amazing.
  • 2
    1) get a wireless mouse & keyboard combo

    2) get USB OTG cable

    3) connect wireless dongle to phone via cable

    4) enjoy!

    came up with this while traveling without laptop. obvious, but none mentioned it

    I know your pain, bro
  • 3
    And you're using nano. Should swap that out for vim.
  • 0
    @donkeyScript Never in my life I would do that
  • 1
    @coookie haha j/k. I know this is a hot button issue
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