
*3 months into M$ acquiring GitHub*

Hey guys, the following code fails to create a repo. In fact, it subscribes to Office 365 instead. Does anyone know, why?

microgit create-repo MyProject -card 2345654367894567 -expiry 12/03 -ccv 336

  • 0
    bitbucket and gitlab my dear.. no one will use github then..
  • 12
    If you actually think this would happen, please stop and get some help.

    You people are acting like it's the end times. Boo fucking hoo. Nothing major is going to change. And there's suffecient alternatives.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet GIve this man some ++'s
  • 3
    @fuck2code U do know that Microsoft endorses Education pack through MS imagine right?
  • 3
    @fuck2code You know Microsoft also has educations plans ? Why would they buy Github and say let's remove it ? I'm that much optimistic, that I hope there will free private repos for everyone to stay competitive against Bitbucket.
  • 2
    @fuck2code Microsoft gives students Word, PowerPoint, ect with their school email.

    My University uses outlook and so I used that account. It grants like 5 copies of Office.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet some sensible comment on this News's rant.

    Even if ms is buying GitHub, ms won't be like my GitHub my rules now. GitHub will not drop to ground.

    GitHub got popular because of features and things it has, ms is not full of idiots that will take away good things from GitHub after buying them.
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