Obligatory this happened last night, roughly 1-2 hr before my first rant. And obligatory this is rookie and human error

After some encouragement from a few folks from a programming Discord server, I decided to give git a try. And it feels good! After an hour struggling, scouring the web and reading, I finally got the hang of git 101 and made my first working repo on GitHub!

.......except for one thing. My Picross generator (doesn't generate the image, just clues) was lost while I was struggling to get rid of the SCM from my generator in VSCode (turned out it was as simple as deleting ".git" folder), I accidentally deleted the generator. 4hr of work, down the drain. At least I kept the papers on the generator's logic so rewriting isn't gonna be a pain in the ass but...ughh.....

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    Can't you restore it from the trash folder?
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    @FilipeRamalho I keep all of my work on an external drive so I can work anywhere I want if I leave my laptop at home. And also because of my habit of Shift Delete so I don't have to empty the Recycle Bin, *and* I think I read somewhere that files deleted from external drives can't be restored
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    @Alice Today on "Today I fucked up"......
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