To all those who want to abandon ship like a sheep without thinking.....................

Sometimes reading the reasoning behind GitHub acquisition helps.

  • 6
    If Bill Gates read that line he would die just to have the opportunity to turn over in his grave.
  • 7
    @murilomentor haha Satya Nadella seems to be taking Microsoft in a good direction.
  • 3
    @creativeJuice I agree with you!

    Microsoft works so much closer to the open source community now.

    Ten years ago, thinking about Microsoft making an open source editor or Ubuntu inside Windows was absurd.
  • 1
    @AlpineLinnix I was talking about VS Code and Windows Subsystem for Linux

  • 4
    Oh I understand their reasoning, I just personally lost all trust in github.

    Understanding their reasoning doesn't necessarily equal agreeing with it.
  • 1
    @linuxxx lost all trust in GitHub 🤔 By understanding their reason?
  • 2
    @linuxxx frankly speaking, I wanna suggest you not to trust in any, I repeat, any thing made by anyone. I'm not being sarcastic and judgmental. Just a frankly advice after knowing your belief and the type of person you are on devRant.

    Tutanota, riot, GitHub, gitlab, bitwarden, Mozilla, ublock etc etc. You shouldn't think that they will be always open and value your privacy. Even those products with privacy as their selling points and openness as their uniqueness, no, don't trust them for good.

    When the majority of users do not care about (some even willing to) trade off their private info for services and tools, businesses will never give up that chance.

    When money is involved, nothing is certain. Well the only certain thing will be, people will make decision to gain that money.
  • 3
    To all sheep who blindly believe this post.

    1) Nadella need not be there forever and he isn't the only voice at Microsoft.

    2) Microsoft has a long history of fucking things up.

    It's not about abandoning GitHub blindly. It's a question of trust. No one expects Microsoft to think about the open source community first and profit second. Period.
  • 1
    @cursee I don't trust them for good. I know things can change but for as long as they stay open/transparent about that they do and keep being open source, I'll trust them to a degree which is higher than the degree with which I trust companies like Microsoft.
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