
Does anyone know a way of to do a video chat through node js (socket.io) or have a link to any resource? NOT through webrtc.

I used to have a link on this but lost it 😥

Meaning to give an end to end encrypted web video chat a chance.

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    well if you used Google, you could have simply asked them and they'll will give you the link again :3 :P

    back to point Im too interested in the topic
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    Saw your post about github, but maybe you can have one more look at it: https://github.com/PHPJunior/...

    If you need any help with Laravel, let me know. I would love to participate on this project, even when you use Gitlab or Bitbucket 😋
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    I can help you out with the Node.js stuff but I want to know what kind of project it is. Is it going to be Web based? You could probably just do something like getUserMedia + websocket-stream?
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    @SaltStack WebRTC requirement :/ but thanks for looking it up!
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    @monkehparade Sounds promising and its just a little encrypted chat I'd like to try :)
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    @linuxxx shit, I didn't fully read that readme..
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    @J-2FA Not meaning to be a dick but this one requires webrtc as well 😬
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    Well the docs for actual streaming are garbage on socket.io, but they do allow for streaming, so probably you can grab the image off of the webcam and send it, but iirc usually it all goes through webrtc, that's why if you block it, you can't use browser skype or discord webcam features iirc either.
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    There's this module made for this purpose, not sure if it got merged, is outdated, anything, but seems to be the first result always:

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    @linuxxx btw: what I can't find, what vps hosts were you using? oneprovider and.. ?
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    This looks highly promising too: https://github.com/elsehow/...

    "send .webm recordings from a webcam stream, in chunks of user-specified time, to a socket.io server"
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    @JoshBent Interesting, thanks!

    And oneprovider/servdiscount for dedi's and contabo for vps's :)
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    ahh servdiscount, thanks 😊 btw do you have some option you do use, to browse github? like using something like browserling, since cloning all repos or migrating all to gitlab just to look them, seems not much sense
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    @JoshBent Just not using it anymore :)
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    @linuxxx but how would you check out the suggestions above?
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    @JoshBent Temporarily removing the block :)

    Gotta find out a way of doing this better though
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    @linuxxx well browserling would be an option, so you wouldn't ever browse it directly? though it doesn't allow for too long browsing or copy pasting..

    the other option would be using a webproxy, since they throw all requests done into one non recognizable pool?
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    What's the problem with webrtc though?
    And why use socket.io / node for this? It's a terrible poorly performing error prone library hardly enough for proof-of-concept
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    @Jilano yes I know that much. So the decentralized nature of webrtc is a weakness here?
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    @linuxxx found anything to work with? sounded really interesting and would mirror you the above mentioned repos, if needed
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    @JoshBent Did quite some searching but haven't found a working example yet :/.

    You can stream files easily but how to generate a file from a webcam image...
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    @linuxxx what about the one project that was generating a webm from the cam and then streaming that?
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    @JoshBent Which one was that again? 😅
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