
WHY THE FUCK are HTML emails such a pain in the ass. I now feel extra sorry for all the devs out there that have to make those things for them to simply annoy people

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    Foundation for Emails | Getting started ... ๐Ÿ˜‰
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    And they say complaining doesn't solve anything; why thank you
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    But more importantly, I'm honestly baffled as to why HTML email development is so stuck in the 90s. It's almost 2020, yet it still isn't clear
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    Because, who doesnโ€™t like building deeply nested tables for layouts?
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    @C0D4 I know I fucking don't XD
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    @AllenII I have some bad news for you then ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    Cuz email readers have not evolved cuz you can not run js on a an email, cuz you ca not link css or anythink external on an email.

    Because not all email clients render all the html and css the same.

    It is basically for compatibility.

    But, like people have said, other people have steuggle with this and thete are frameworks for this, go google.
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    Inky by foundation is a great start for dealing with this nonesense. Check it out
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    @heyheni boi I owe you my life <3 <3
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    @Gejr glad i could help. ๐Ÿ™‚
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    Give a try to https://mjml.io/ as well! Felt in love with it.
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    @Bresson uhh that looks very delightful!
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