
To people who may not be aware, Steve Ballmer is no longer the CEO of Microsoft. They actually dont suck anymore.

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    Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!
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    Look up what Bryan Lunduke has to say about Microsoft and stuff.
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    But what about Windows 10 and the whole telemetry? I think this shows pretty good what Microsofts stance is
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    @oudalally That's already what I'm doing :)
    But I find it quite suspicious that I can't opt-out completly from the ui and have to edit some registry entries AND still blacklist some telemetry domains from MS on my DNS Server. That's also the reason why in Germany in some states it is still not advised to install and use Windows 10 in the university sector.
    The lack of transparency in such a huge domain, where MS still has, after so many years, a monopol is just dishonest and in my eyes disgusting.
    Ditching the platform is very difficult. MS created successfully many different Tools which many people depend on nowadays and are used to it. Everything what differs from their user experience is initially bad. There are unfortunately no reliable alternatives. With Win 10 MS at least "successfully" shot in their own goal, because at least some people started to recognise that we need alternatives. But that's it atm.
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    @al3xst I like this person.

    However, I am more than happy with linux as an alternative.
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