When I started here, expectations were terrifyingly low. Now, my boss expects me to singlehandedly work miracles.

  • 3
    I hear that, we went from 20 devs to 4, about 6 months ago and now I'm expected to do the work of 5 people in half the time... Side Note: I got hired as a web developer a year ago with literally 0 experience. At the time I worked at a retail store and all I could do was print html to a page using echo with php. Sometimes 'miracles' is almost an understatement. Haha
  • 1
    @Snowdrama oh snap, I'm not the only one!
  • 2
    Same here, but now I have to do things that I never wanted to (scripting for some cisco like routers) and I really hate my job. if you are very good at anything they ask, it doesn't go well. So now I really think about leaving the company in order to do again what I like.
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