
Why do women act like because Labor pain is the worst pain THEY have felt that it must be the worst pain in the world? I commend all women who go through it including my wife, but even my wife will tell you there is worse pain than giving birth. I read the internet and I see it littered with "finally men can know pain too" on a labor pain simulator device. Like wtf? I assure you giving labor isn't the only pain inflicting occurrence in this world and I can also assure you there are MUCH MUCH more painful things to experience. Most of which women only have nightmares about. Care to head over to the P.O.W page and cry about your pain there? All im saying is, this long overdue debate of "men will never know" is silly. Obviously we will never know what it's like to give birth, but to act like we will never appreciate what you do or know pain is just..well women talk. I for one appreciate and respect the hell out of the fight you women put up before, during, and after. That takes a lot of courage and commitment for sure. All im saying is lets stop acting like your the only gender that can experience that level of pain when in reality you are barely touching the tip of the iceberg on the pain scale. I actually got one lady to head over to the P.O.W Facebook page as well as read some news articles on some of the things our soldiers have had to endure. After reading she agreed that giving birth is far from the worst possible pain imaginable and she even stated her view points had changed. So how about it women? Ready to finally admit you lost this age old debate?

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    First encounter with a feminist? 😂
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    What a complete bag of bullshit. Why are you making ‘levels of pain’ a gender issue. Your goal is to make woman understand that there are more painful things to endure than childbirth? Are you fucking crazy? This is like something Trump would say.
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    @Alice I think people already know that unless they are mentally challenged. The point is that most men will hopefully never have to endure the pain that a lot of women, who choose to have children will have to endure. That’s why the argument is bullshit.
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    Would you mind making yourself a picture of this person and decide wherever it fits the community?

    I mean jesus christ, it's like they want to be pissed about everything.
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