Need ya help

i can't figure it out. i am working on a q&a webpage and i want to make an upvote/downvote system.

How or what should i use to save when a user upvotes a question on a database without needing to refresh the page.

I have no ideea ><

PS: as backend i use php and mysql for the database

  • 0
    Nvm found that AJAX is quite useful

    i still haven't figure it out but i fell that i am close
  • 3
    JS Ajax
    Call a server side script
    Save data
    Return response (success / fail )

    JS does something with response, like display “thank you for voting” or something
  • 0
    @bigus-dickus i like the ideea and had almost everything u said set in my mind
    Thank you for being clear :D
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